Monday, February 1, 2010

Oscar Predictions: Feb 1st

It's that time of year. Again.
(Actually, that time of MONTH for me. Whatever. I'm always right.)
Here goes:

Best Picture:
Inglorious Bastards
Up In The Air
The Hurt Locker
An Education
A Serious Man
District 9

Star Trek
(500) days of summer

*The first five are lockers. Everything else? Jesus.
What a great idea this 10-film-nomination process would have been in 2007.
(AKA the best year for film in the last decade.) But who cares? More movies for people to see, more bitching to be had.....
That being said, I'm not so sure about "Up." I LOVE the film, but the oscars are not about love. They're about money and cock gobbling and red-carpet-licking.
Since we have the "best animated film" category going, I think more people will push for "Up" in it's ghetto rather then embrace the idea of an animated film going toe-to-toe with "The Hurt Locker." (Which I also liked, but, of course, that's beside the point.)
"500 days of Summer" is also a question mark.
See, the Academy doesn't just like to choose a great film and say "hey! here's your one nomination in the most competitive, cutthroat category possible!"
The Academy likes to spread the love.
To get nominated, a film must have support from either the director, screenplay, or actors.
"Avatar" is all about the director, "Precious" is all about the acting, "Up In The Air" is all about the script.
"500" will get a screenplay nomination, but that's about it (unless there's some random outpouring of love for Gordon-Levvit in the acting category.)
Still, it's a sweet little romantic comedy that never did anybody any wrong.
Alternates? "Star Trek" and "District 9". If either one of those flicks gets in, "Avatar" will never win best picture. The sci-fi votes will cancel each other out, and the award will go to "The Hurt Locker".

Jeff Bridges "Crazy Heart"
Colin Firth "A Single Man"
George Clooney "Up In The Air"
Morgan Freeman "Invictus"
Jeremy Renner "The Hurt Locker"
SUPRISE: Viggo M. for "The Road"

Jeff Bridges will get the nomination and the award.
Clooney and Firth are all like "Whatever" about it.
Freeman deserves better.
The little seen "The Road" features a big meaty academy awards performance.
However, Renner could edge Viggo out, because people actually LIKE his movie...

Sandra Bullock "The Blinde Side"
Meryl Streep "Julie and Julia"
Carey Mulligan "An Education"
Gabby Sidibe "Preciouis"
Emily Blunt "Young Victoria"
SUPRISE: Helen Mirren "The Last Station"

Sandra Bullock will win.
Nobody wants to give it to Meryl, but nobody doesn't want to NOT nominate her again, for fear of her immense wrath and hullfire.
Mulligan ain't getting shit and Gabby realizes Jennifer Hudson will be the ONLY fat black woman to get an academy award for her first feature film.
Emily Blunt? Academy loves the brits. And hot young women. Put them together you get--HELEN MIRREN?!
..But she already has an oscar for playing a queen.

Christoph Waltz "Inglorious Bastards"
Stanley Tucci "The Lovley Bones" OR "Julie and Julia"
Matt Damon "Invictus"
Woody Harrelson "The Messenger"
Christian McKay
SUPRISE: Anthony Mackie "The Hurt Locker"

This is Waltz's award.
Tucci's happy to be there. Damon don't give a fuck.
Harrelson will be too stoned to pick up his phone when the nominations are out.
Anthony Mackie is one hot blacktor.
McKay played Orson Wells. Curse? OR PROMISE?!

Monique "Precious"
Anna Kendrick "Up In The Air"
Vera Farmiga "Up In The Air"
Julianne Moore "A Single Man"
Diane Kruger "Ing. Bastards"
SUPRISE: Any of the women from "Nine"

This is Monique's award.
Kendrick and Farmiga pretend they don't care but in reality are worshiping voodoo gods to get their girly mitts on the big great golden.
We live in a world where Julianne Moore has zero Oscars and Hilary Swank has two.
And Diane Kruger? That bitch is stealing Melanie Laurents spot.
Fuck her.
And these NINE bitches? Don't even get me started.
There's a special place in hell for people who work with Harvey Weinstien.....

James Cameron "Avatar"
Kathryn Bigelow "The Hurt Locker"
Quentin Tarantino "Bastards"
Lee Daniels "Precious"
Jason Reitman "Up In The Air"
SUPRISE: Neil Blomkamp, "District 9"

Bigelow gets it--and becomes the first woman to EVER receive a best director oscar.
Cameron shrugs and counts his money.
Quentin is too ADD to focus on a real campaign.
Daniels will get an oscar for "Selma", his new film which just started shooting.
And Reitman can go suck a bag of dicks.
SPOILER ALERT! Eastwood might sneak in here for "Invictus".
But do we really still care about that old dinosaur?

Mark Boal: "The Hurt Locker"
Tarantino: "Bastards"
Joel and Ethan Coen: "A Single Man"
Michael Weber: "(500) Days of Summer"
Pete Docter: "Up"
SUPRISE: Cameron, "Avatar"

This is a race between Boal and Tarantino.
And as much as I love "Avatar", Cameron really needs a co-writer.

Jason Reitman: "Up In The Air"
Geoffry Fletcher: "Precious"
Neill Blomkamp: "District 9"
Nick Hornby: "An Education"
Armondo Ianucci: "In The Loop"

This is going to that Reitman hack.

"Hurt Locker"
"Up In the Air"
"Star Trek"
"District 9"

Avatar's award, but "Hurt Locker" may bring the heat.

"White Ribbon"
"Hurt Locker"

Even though Cameron invented a new camera, the academy loves pretty Foreign Landscapes. Winner? "White Ribbon".

"Hurt Locker"
"Public Enemies"
"Where The Wild Things Are"
"District 9"

I think this might be the only place "Where The Wild Things" might be.

"Hurt Locker"
"Star Trek"
"District 9"


"Hurt Locker"
"Star Trek"


"Star Trek"
"District 9"
No competition.

"Ing. Bastards"
"Young Victoria"
"Where the Wild Things are"
"Coco Chanel"

"Princess and the Frog"
"The Informant!"
"A Single Man"
-"UP" gets it.

"Fantastic Mr Fox"
"Princess and the frog"
"Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"
-"Up" get it (again).

"Star Trek"
"District 9"
"Imaginarm of Dr...."
SUPRISE: "Young Victoria"

"Crazy Heart"
"Princess and the frog"
"Where the wild things are"
-Crazy Heart wins.

Now I'm exhausted.


  1. Yeah yeah yeah, looks good Holter. But what is all this hate toward Jason Reitman? I loved "Up in the Air." Not only did he turn a downtrodden book into something uplifting, but he completely invented Anna Kendrick's whippersnapper character.

    Also, he did something that most Hollywood Masters fear: allowed the audience to use their brain. Some of the scenes were jibby jabby, but some of them had very little words because they didn't need them (see: the phone call Vera has with Clooney towards the end of the film).

    These ain't fighting words. Just a little lady sticking up for one of her top 3 movies. HOLLA to your predictions. We'll find out soon.

  2. I'm not sure Reitman is a hack, however Up In The Air? I was not a fan. The entire movie was about finding a mate and getting married or being really sad and alone your whole life. In society today, I think that message is bullshit. Clooney's character was happy doing his thing until someone told him he shouldn't be. and uplifting? I was depressed.
