Friday, November 13, 2009

Box Office Predictions-Nov., Friday the 13th

Simple predictions. If I'm wrong, you can shoot/sue/stalk me.
1. 2012
60 Million
-People love disaster porn more then they love popcorn.
Ronald Emmerich's long (like, two and a half hours long) disaster epic/sure to be shit storm was pushed back from it's original July opening into the wild open ranges of November.
Moving a summer blockbuster to a lonely Friday in Thanksgiving season was a great switch--who doesn't want to see John Cusack escape molten lava the week before "Twilight: Ass Moon"?
2. Christmas Carol
21 million
-Another slow burn. This is going to keep making money until December 25th. Yes, it's weird to release a Christmas movie before thanksgiving (like releasing Rob Zombie's "Halloween" in August...) but unlike the slasher-stinker, this pic is actually good. It'll drop a little more next week, but look for a big boost Thanksgiving weekend.
My guess? It'll top off at around 140-150 million.
But with "Avatar" stealing ALL of the 3D screens on December 18th (No, really. ALL of them) it's going to take a lot of marketing push to get people to see this in simple 2D format.
The Men Who Stare @ Goats
8 Million
-People are actually seeing this movie.
Instead of waiting two months to rent it.
The Fourth Kind
6.5 Million
Teeheehee it's in fourth place lol how apt I mean not original I mean it already made back it's budget so who gives a flying fuck.
6 Million
This is gonna be huge. Called it. It's playing in less then 200 theaters and it's already kicking major hardcore ass. My guess is it keeps playing in limited release for another month, then, in the thick of December awards season, goes ultra-wide and bags about 50 million before the years over.

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