Saturday, November 14, 2009

Theater Review: "A Very Merry (Unauthorized) Children's Scientology Pagent"

Reviewed by Ike Holter
While some will surely wish they would have seen Scrooge, a savvy audience will embrace the creepy spectacle now playing at A Red Orchid Theater.
Preformed by the Youth Ensemble at Red Orchid (using much of the same cast as last year's VERY MERRY show), Kyle Jarrow's super-swift hour and ten minute satire tells the story of a young L Ron Hubbard (you'll find out what the L means later.)
The future founder of the Scientology religion embarks on a quest that is equal parts Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, Jesus and Superman.
Using catchy numbers like "Science Of The Mind", Jarrow puts an "Avenue Q" spin on Hubbard's quest for worldwide acceptance. When L Ron is finally brought to the stand by a bloodthirsty IRS agent, his teachings are put to the test as a group of devoted followers takes the stand, pleading for his innocence (not to mention, like, total brilliance.)
There's a few jokes that cross the line, but Very Merry is more interested in the child-like optimism of Hubbard's teachings then "SNL" style attacks. Director Steve Wilson has a steady hand that never slips into spoof.
That being said, there are aliens.
And a slow motion war, a dancing brain, Kriste Allen and Tom Cruise.
Needless to say, this is not your Father's scientology pageant.

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