Thursday, November 5, 2009

Get "LOST"-Season 5, Ep.6

Previously on LOST:
So six people got off the island (in order of least to most annoying: Sayid, Sun, Jack, Hurley, BabyAaron, Kate) but their lives are meaningless without the action filled two months they spent with their darmadrama summer-camp homies ("Jacob4eva! See you next apocolypse!"); they need to go back and save them, lead by former-frienemy-now-total-chummy-Benjerman Linus. The Oceanic Six get closer and closer to fending off fate, killing off Kate, and setting the record straight because it keeps skipskipskiprrrrrrrrrrrr nevermind I'm LOST.
My DVR is fucked up.
So, I'm sure you know, but DVR is a life saver. You can record several programs at once, save them as long as you want; it's digital love.
Until my digital love get's DELETED.
That's right--SOMEONE programed "American Idol: Beyond Thunderdome" to record on what might have been the most intense night of this season.
Thank God (or Oprah) that my rehearsal got canceled that night, or I would have gone all Chris Brown on someone.
Anyway, crisis averted.
We got to see the Oceanic Six put aside their petty differences (I always forget how fucking RICH these characters are now. Remember the settlement? How it's in the nine digits? The Oceanic 6 could save the economy.)
We got to see Miss Hawkings (Daniel Hopehesgay Mother) going all Harry-Potter-Witch-Bitch with a swinging pendalum.
We ignored the redheadednosebleeder.
Best. Episode. Ever.
After Hawking sent the gang on their merry way, every character had to come to terms with their own departure.
Here's what I imagine Kate's "coming to terms" list looks like:
Should I pack running shoes?
What about my ipod?
Must DVR "Wild Things". OMG Denise Richards lol!
Go to airport.

Kate checked off EVERYTHING on that list.
Come ON. What ELSE would she do to poor baby Aaron?
You saw her lusthumping pity-sex with sadsackJack.
She wouldn't just drop her baby off at a children's shelter and hop back in bed with a man she clearly can't stand.
A) Sold him on the black market to some redhot white folks
B) Gave him to her Mother
C) Went Medea on that shit.

Kate's a criminal. Imagine the pathos of killing her stolen child?!
THAT'S enough drama to get her through the next season.
Ok. Part of me wants to believe she did option B, but.....she wouldn't. She just wouldn't. Kate did something hardcore,
short of dropping babyAaron through some timehole (teehee); I think she would rather take his life then see the island take it.
Didn't ghostdancer Claire tell Kate NOT to bring back Aaron?
Moving on.
I loved the scene of everyone coming back to the airport.
I also wasn't as shocked by Sun coming back as Jack seemed to be--come ON, Vengenace Mission Sun is totally turning into Victory Mission Sun, happy dancing included.
Hurley finally stopped his Anne Heche attitude and hopped on the plane (even after trying to snatch up every seat. Don't fuck with fate, bro.)
the odd thing about this was seeing Sayid being carried away in handcuffs.
Yes, it completes the "replicate the original flight" bit that whitehairedharrypotterwitchbitchhawkings told them to recreate,
what was Sayid in trouble for?
And why not just take him to a jail in LA?
Could Ben have something to do with it?
He was looking pretty shady @ the docks.
.....Which leads me to my final theories.
-Ben killed Penny.
Come on.
Who else could it be?
-The Oceanic 6 and the Island 6 are now on the same island,
in the same time.
But is everybody else?
-I'm excited to see the plane crash from the new survivors perspective.
You know it's finna be awesome.
-LOST has amazing moments of drama shoved in between heart-stopping action.
The episode was wonderfully written, directed, edited and acted.
Can TV get any better?
"Where are we?"
WHEN are we, bitch.

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