Thursday, November 5, 2009

Get "LOST"-Season 5, Ep.8

So The Oceanic Six and The Island Six are now in the same place at the same time (even Locke, who was dead, but now he's not, maybe, I don't know) anyway last time we saw the Oceanic Six they all jumped on a plane that went all Titanic (tramautic; NOW they're back on the island trying to save the people they left behind and Kate's all Medea and Jack's miserable and Sayid's a refugee camp all star and Hurley's still huge and Sun's Vengance Mission and BABYAARON is dead (How dead, like Locke dead or like Eko dead) maybe like Amy Winehouse dead so he's still walking about but he's only dead inside oh I don't know fuck this noise I'm LOST.
First off--
Ok so W.T.F is with that huge statue?
I freaked.
It's totally the three toed statue from Season Two's finale.
Even better, it looks (at least from the back) a lot like an Egyptian God: Maybe Osiris, maybe Anibuis, maybe Isis.
These Gods all at least hold some connection to the underworld, which would make episode 6's title "this place is death" an errie giveaway......Since Locke is walking around and there's a big freaking statue of OSIRIS hanging around, could that mean that the Lost island is some kind of gateway...
Whatever. I ain't even getting into that hippy dippy shit, mmmk?
I'm all about the characters, and this episode was loaded with them.

She's been king of hanging around this season.
Sassy comeback here, "bang bang shoot shoot" there, but no huge character arc. When we first met her, she was an hourglass loaded with mystery, secrets, suspense; all about the DharmaDrama.
Now? Ever since Jack's flipped the light fantasitc, she's been regulated to sad-sack-status, which is where LOST writers seem to put character right before they kill them. (See: Ecko, Charlie, Shannon, redheadednosebleeder.)
In this episode, Juliet totally snatched the bad-ass crown and held it high.

1. She birthed a baby. (I think it might be that guy who kidnapped Claire in season one.)
2. She made Sawyer tell it like it is.
3. She's a hardcore monkeywrenching mechanic.

All signs of bad-ass-ness and total control. I'm glad she's back on the wagon.
At first, I didn't buy the lovey-dovey eyes her and Sawyer shot throughout the first leg of this season, but now I'm all about it. How desprate, bored, and horny would YOU be if you were stuck an some shady island in the early 70's?
The answer? Horny enough to boink Sawyer.

Everybody's favorite sassy-shady-scientist.
Was he born on the island? If so, that makes him a helpful ethnic addition to the ever-growing spinoff, "LOST: DharmaDrama Babies".
If not, I'm wondering when he's going to get his "3.5 million dollars" from Ben, because he's not doing much right now. He's GOT to be put to good use soon, what with his superpowers (the sixth-senseness) and total bad-ass-ness.
Do we see any dead people?

He's just punchdrunklovelost right now. How many hairy palms do you guys think he got in the 3 years pining for the love of his life?

Speaking of hairy palms, this kid must have to shave on a daily basis.
I personally did NOT want to see Faragay going all Benjamin Button on the redheadednosebleeder's 4 year old version of herself.
Shit is NASTY!
Y'all saw the way he looked at her.
BUT, let's keep tabs on that relationship.
1. So we can alert child protection services.
2. Because the redheadednosebleeder said that a "creepy old man" told her to never go back to the island. My guess is that it's Faragay.


My. LaFluer himself.
(For those of you thinking of googling; the name mean's "Flower.")
Former-con-men can always shit out lies at the drop of a hat. Sawyer not only managed to keep the team safe on the island, but he inserted every member of the Island 6 into huge roles within the Dharam Initiavie.
Also, that convo with Guyliner? Totally creepy.
I wonder how hostile the Other-Others are willing to get.
True, we know Ben was sent to kill the Dharma-Others in season three, but who sent the order?
Could it have been Guyliner?


I wonder how much these characters are fucking with the space time continium--or are they just doing everything according to plan?
Were they ALWAYS destined to go to the 70's and help the D.I--or are these events changing the ENTIRE history of the island?
V. confused.
But, at the end of the day, the show works it out. We're never bogged down in mystery-mode; we're interested in the characters.
I cried when Sawyer locked eyes with Kate on that dreamy seascape; her nappy, shredded, stingy hair blowing in the wind with a look of Trailer-Park-Wonder etched into her sagging cheekbones.
No matter how thick the mystery gets (and I believe tonight's episode will only stir it up even more) we always have the characters to latch onto...As Desmond would say, they're our "constant."
...But really, w.t.f is up with that staute, and is Guyliner like the big bad, and where's Jacob, and is Faragay a pedophile (eeew) anyway where's Smoky and who are the REAL others not the other-others but the other-other-other-others (others?) WHOSE BABY WAS BORN what did they do without the internet for three years did they get to see "Star Wars" oh fuck this noise I'm LOST.

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